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Thursday 31 January 2013

How To Tell Someone That You Love Them

Different approaches to saying “I love you”

Want to tell that special someone how much you really like them? Everyone has their own ideas on the ‘perfect’ way to make the confession, but you’re sure to find a technique that suits you in this list of seven ways to tell someone you love them.

How to express your love, the thing you need to do is Add a little humor

The words “I love you” can be spruced up with all sorts of poetic techniques that don’t sound like they've come straight from one of Shakespeare’s classics. Why not add a light sprinkling of humor to your love confession through a creative analogy? Think of something you couldn't live without and compare the one you love to that. You can make your analogy as silly or as serious as you like and your other half will appreciate the amount of thought you've put into your confession. “You are the cream to my coffee, the lamb to my farm, and I love you to little bits” – aww!

Creative photography

Dropping the ‘L bomb’ can be equally as nerve wracking whether you’re a hopeless romantic or you have a heart of stone. Sometimes the mere mention of the word “love”, when you've never said it to this person before, can make you nervous. If this sounds like you, saying it through photography may be the form of expression you’re comfortable with, and it needn't be as cheesy as it sounds. Take a photo of yourself doing something silly; a photo of your other half’s favorite sweets in the shape of a heart; and a photo of your partner too (it doesn't have to be snaps of these exact things – they’re just ideas.) Attach your photos together with some ribbon or string and voila; [insert name] hearts [insert name]. You didn't even need to say ‘the L word’ and your other half gets the picture (literally) and has a little keepsake to treasure – you are one creative soul.

Write it in the sand

To make your expression of love memorable, why not pay a visit to the seaside for a date? You can write a love message in the sand when your loved one isn't looking and when they turn around they’ll be in for a surprise. If it all goes wrong, tell them someone else wrote it and run for the hills. If it goes to plan –please say it goes to plan – take a photograph of it afterwards so you can frame it and remember the moment for years to come.

A slushy candlelit dinner

Confessions of love don’t have to be shouted from the rooftops to be effective. Cooking a romantic candlelit dinner for your loved one’s return from work gets the message across too. If you choose to go down the same route as Sex and the City’s Samantha during her infamous sushi moment, make sure you keep your telephone handy just in case your other half doesn't turn up. If your culinary skills aren't up to scratch, spelling it out in alphabet spaghetti is equally as creative.

 Think like a teenager

Phrases could do wonders (followed by a watery-eyed gaze and a scattering of rose petals) are great, but they've been done before. If you want to get all cute and cheesy about your confession, revert your brain back to your school years. Write a high school style love note saying “I love you. Do you love me?” followed by three check boxes titled ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘maybe’, then wait in anticipation for the reply.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Are You a "We" Couple Or "Me" Couple

We all know that when a team plays they do win the game. It is all because all the players have their comfort and are cohesiveness with other teammates,which led them to win the game. On the other hand, if they do argue on small-2 things, the team spirit gets hampered and they do end-up losing the match or the game. And same goes here for the relationship between couples. It doesn't matter whether it is two or twelve.

I've noticed a similar dynamic in relationships, one I call the "me" couple vs. the "we" couple.  the "me" couple operates as two distinct people who happen to be in a relationshipThis can be true of a couple who got together last week or one who's been together for fifty years.  It's the attitude. The "me" couple are not really partners. They may love each other; they may be happy enough,  but they don't operate as effectively in love and can not be called as "we" couple.

The "we" couples are unquestionably a team. You see it in their body language and especially in their speech. And when they have successes or problems they view it as something happening to both of them.
A study showed that couples who use pronouns like "we," "our" and "us" showed less stress and were more positive toward each other. Those found to be less satisfied in their marriages used pronouns like "me," "I" and "you." Happy couples often speak in a "we."  As in, "we had a nice time at the party" and "we had a major plumbing problem at the house last week." 
The idea is that unconsciously they have formed a sense of being a part of a team and life is happening to both of them.  These couples will fight, they may even not fight nicely. They have no fewer problems than anyone else but the way they cope is better.  Rather than waste energy blaming each other they see a problem as something they both need to solve. So they divide tasks, brainstorm, resolve and move forward.  Life is better when the blame is minimized and the challenge (whatever it may be) is addressed by both people.
The "we" couples take themselves less seriously.  They don't imagine they can be perfect and are unsurprised when things don't go swimmingly.  Rather than a "here we go again, the universe hates me," when the car is stolen, a "we" couple will quickly bemoan the fact that this happened to "us" and move on.  Of course cars get stolen, it happens every day.  He files the police report, she arranges a rental. They go to office on time and the flow of life continues. 

"Me" couples blame each other (I told you we shouldn't have parked here. Why did you open an account in a bank here? It's a crummy neighborhood). They storm off, they don't resolve the issue quickly, they don't get to work and they have more problems as the newest spiral downward commences.
Becoming a "we" couple can be as simple as starting to use the word more.  Think of things that brought you together and keep you together.  Is it being parents, charitable work, common hobbies, a love for sports or the environment? These things may be simple or profound.  The next time you're together, talk about the "we" things in conversation. Reminisce about them. When problems come up, resist the urge to blame, take a deep breath and try to move immediately to problem solving. This movement and restraint is the work of change. It's worthwhile to make the effort.

Also, be kind to each other and think of your significant other as a partner. Ask for their opinion and their input so that decisions begin to be made together in an atmosphere that doesn't blame and judge.  Judgment causes the team to argue and worse, the partners even stop suggesting ideas for fear that anything they say can and will be used against them. Build an atmosphere of cooperation by understanding each other and inviting your partner's thoughts.
Finally, avoid "me" couples for a while. Be aware that other people's expressions and attitudes can influence even the best relationships. For a while, insulate yourselves while you're building up your "we" approach. It's a quick turn around and a minimum of effort to put in for very worthwhile benefits.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Signs A Girl Likes You

For many guys, being able to tell for sure if a girl likes them or not is a challenge in and of itself. For basically any man, it is extremely frustrating to invest a good deal of time and energy into pursuing a girl, only to find out that she really did not like him! To avoid this big waste of time, the following will teach you what to look for to tell if a girl really likes you.

Provocative Signals

Provocative signals can be a great help to tell if a girl likes you since they are quite distinct and memorable ways of behaving. For argument’s sake, suppose that a girl raises her arms either behind or above her head as she is utilizing her hands to check the back of her hair. This pose will show off the vulnerable neck section of the girl, as well as her underarms. Moreover, it raises her bust and creates a curvature in her spine.

If she takes up this pose while looking right at you, this can be taken to mean that she likes you and that she is inviting you in. Lastly, if she has a closed-lip smile as she is staring in your direction, then you can be reasonably certain that she wants to have a conversation with you.

Hair Signals

Even something as elementary as playing with her hair can be a signal that she likes you. This is especially true if she does this while in your presence because this means that she is fixing up her appearance just for you. Girls do not just play with their hair in one way: There are various ways in which girls play with their hair to show an interest in guys. The different ways are smoothing down hair, tossing hair, twiddling hair, flipping hair and tucking it behind her ears to show more of her face.

Tactile Signals

Tactile signaling is a way how to tell a woman if she likes you. These signals present themselves in a circumstance when a girl really likes you. These types of signals are unique because they are defined by some auto-erotic touches. You may notice how she will touch herself in one or more of these specific ways:

Stroking the neck: This provides her with an instant breast lift, yet it also displays her armpit, the source of pheromone attraction chemicals.

Preening: This is the triad of her licking her lips, arranging her cleavage and fluffing her hair is done to make herself look good for you. Using her fingers: If she is employing her fingers to carefully brush against her lips or cleavage or even toy with a straw or a glass as she looks at you, then it is a safe bet that she likes you. Smoothing hands: When she is smoothing her hands on her neck and arms, she is being a tease. This signals that she wishes to make you jealous of the reality that your hands are not yet sliding over her. Playful punching: When you tease her, she laughs and punches you on your shoulder. Okay with being touched: She is alright with you touching her and invading her personal space.
If you notice any of these signs, it may be that she is into you!

Read More:

How to compliment a girl: What Girls Always Notice on a Date!:

Monday 28 January 2013

What Girls Always Notice on a Date!

Girls and guys have completely different priorities when it comes to dating each other and noticing what really matters on a date. Here are six things that girls always notice on a date!

Do you want to impress a girl on the very first date? If you really know what girls always notice on a date, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to impress that pretty lass within the first few minutes.

And you know what they say, first impressions are everything when you’re trying to have a great date!
Unlike men, who don’t notice a great deal too much, women are a lot sharper on a date.
They put in a lot of effort, and they expect their date to look spruced up and primped for them. So what are the things that girls notice on a date? Men, you might just be surprised.

What girls always notice on a date #1 CLEANLINESS
You definitely need to be clean. Women like guys who can groom themselves. Even if you sport a stubble, it should look like every strand of hair exists to accentuate your face.
Clean hands and nails, crisp clothes, and a fresh face. And no bad breath or body odor. No girl would ever like that! Maybe a few kinky ones, but definitely not on a date. In a restaurant.
What girls always notice on a date #2 LABELS!
Girls love labels and fancy brands. It’s a sign anyways, isn't it? If you can pamper yourself, you definitely can pamper her.
Go figure about big brands. Some labels may be expensive, but they don’t necessarily turn out to be the best. But the biggest names don’t come cheap. They do charge over fifty grand a suit and still makes just fifty suits a year, but that’s never ever going to look bad on you, would it?
And it’s never going to hurt. Maybe just your Louis Vuitton wallet. A wee bit, you big, rich boy!
Girls want a guy who knows how to keep his woman happy. So are a smooth talker? Do you stutter and splutter and run out of things to say, half way through dinner and resort to “so you say something… no, no, you say…” to cover the fact that you have nothing to talk about? That’s not good. A woman wants to be with someone who knows to talk, and talk well. Yup, back when you were in tenth grade, backstreet boys were hot stuff!
What girls always notice on a date #4 HOW FAR CAN YOU GO?
How far can you go for your date? What can you do to pamper her? Flowers and sparkling wine are great starters. But can you call back your waiter and ask him for more flowers on your table? Or perhaps, a white candle? Anything else? A woman wants to test how far a man would be willing to go for her. Of course, subconsciously.
So pamper her. She can’t make up her mind about which dessert to pick, order three of them. Try it. It definitely works. Tell her to take a bite off all of them. She can have what she wants, and the waiter can take back the rest. If you have to be her king, treat her like the queen she deserves to be. But never be pompous, and don’t forget to be a brat boy now and then.

What girls always notice on a date #5 YOUR ATTIRE
Brands are one thing, but women definitely notice the way you dress. A Gucci shirt looks good, but untucked and crumpled on a formal date? Don’t think so. Dress for the occasion. Be pleasing to her eyes, and don’t ever go overboard. A clean shirt or a suit is the best thing to wear when you’re out at a great date restaurant in the middle of paradise. And yeah, do take her to a great place.
What girls always notice on a date #6 Ogling other women
You may have done all of the above things to impress your date, but this one wrong move can be a killer! There’s nothing more insulting for a woman than to see her man staring at other woman or craning his neck to ogle at other women now and then. When you’re out on a date, remember, all eyes on your date. You can ogle at all the beautiful women and staring at girl's breast or her never ending legs when you’re with the guys. On a date, just focus on your date, if you do want to impress her.

Sunday 27 January 2013

Things Men Should Never Do On First Date


We all want our first dates to be perfect. But do you really how to impress a girl on a date without overdoing it? Here are 8 tips for first dates that every man should know to have a successful first date.

When you hook up on a first date with a gorgeous girl, it is understandable that you want to go all out and please her, maybe by showing her that you’re manly and in command, or by behaving like a doormat.

But there may be a few things that could be overdone and you might just blow any opportunity of getting to the next date.

The Hug gable Understanding Guy tells you where to draw the line between doing the right things, and overdoing them. Here are some tips for first dates that can help you make the difference.

Tips for first dates #1 ARE YOU IN CONTROL?

It’s important to be in control and make those tough decisions, like calling the waiter, deciding where to go, etc. when you’re with your date.
It’s not easy when you get all groggy and drool while staring at this beautiful woman beside you.
But there may be times when your behavior borders rudeness and arrogance. Swearing, snapping your fingers to call waiters and bad behavior is just unacceptable. So if you want to hold on to the hope of getting a second date, then learn to be courteous and gentle, not just with her, but with everyone around.
Tips for first dates#2 TRYING TOO HARD
You may have waited since you were in first grade before the both of you got together for this date. You may have marked this moment in your secret diary and stored it as one of the best moments of your life. But you know what? She doesn't have to know that!
She’s still contemplating and figuring if she’s having a good date. Don’t ruin the moment by droning on about how happy you are.
She knows that you’re happy, but don’t blow it all out, all through the date. Make her wonder if you’re having a great time. Don’t give in to the chase even before it begins!


You love hanging out with your guy friends, and every Friday in your calendar might be allotted for hanging out with the boys. But saying that out aloud on your first date could actually turn out bad for you.
You might think that it shows your independence and confidence, and that you also respect her space and are not going to be with her all the times like clingy boyfriends, but it actually works otherwise. She might think that your life is just too rigid.

Or worse, it may seem like you’re trying to set boundary rules even before both of you get steady. It’s almost like you’re already imposing a rule on her. What did you think, that she would like it?!

How to Get Over Trust Issues in Your Relationship

Trusting each other plays a big part in a happy relationship. Learn how you can get over any trust issues in your relationship using these steps.

Love is pretty predictable to start with, isn't it?
There are just two paths you can take when you enter a romantic relationship and get past the infatuation stage.You can stay happy.
Or you can find yourself frustrated and heartbroken

Luckily though, it only takes a few months for your mind to realize which path you’re taking in love, the good or the bad one. And even if you’re frustrated with your current love life, it doesn't necessarily have to mean it’s the end of the relationship.
It just means you and your lover have issues to deal with.

Trust and other issues in a relationship

For most of us, even when we do realize that we’re not in a perfect relationship, we do nothing to fix it as the months pass by.We don’t get out of it, nor do we try to communicate and change it for the better. And then, we whine about how unfair love is to us.

But if you think about it, the direction of your relationship is in your own hands.
Every time you find yourself in the wrong path, you can steer yourself towards the right direction through better understanding, or you can let go of the wheel and find a new romance.

Trust and finding faults in love
When you find yourself unhappy in a relationship, it’s not always your own fault. You need to remember that. A relationship involves you and your partner. So if one of you isn't happy, both of you need to work together to fix the relationship.
Trust is the foundation of a perfect relationship. When both of you trust each other completely and understand each other, it prevents insecurities and frustrations from ever cropping up.
If you’re hurt in love, it’s your lover’s responsibility to reassure you and help you feel better about the relationship. Well, that’s if your lover cares enough to see you happy. And likewise, it’s your responsibility to help your lover understand you and trust you when they feel threatened.
Even in a happy relationship that’s stood the test of time for several years, trust issues could crop up out of nowhere, especially when an attractive new friend or secrecy enters the romance.

Trust and the threshold of change in love
All of us have a threshold of change in a relationship. And it depends completely on how much we want the relationship to succeed.
When two people enter a new relationship, the two individuals have to create a new identity, and both of them have to be flexible and willing to compromise to fit into each other’s lives perfectly. But the extent to which one lover compromises for the other depends on how much they desire the other person. The less your lover compromises for you, the more you’d doubt their love for you.

The more your doubts, the more insecure you’d feel in the relationship. And the more insecure you feel, the more you’d doubt your lover. It’s a vicious circle that’ll leave both of you hurt, bitter and angry. 

Insecurity and trust issues
You may love your partner a lot, but if you don’t trust them, you can never truly feel secure in the relationship. You’d always be wary about everything they do, and you’d always doubt their love for you.
Trust issues in a relationship can lead to depressions and intense frustrations. And the more frustrated you get, the harder you’d try to cling on to your partner in the fear of losing them completely, which can make you a clingy and controlling lover *and there’s nothing worse than that*.

10 reasons why you have trust issues in your relationship
There are many reasons why you may doubt your partner or have trust issues, but they usually fall under these 10 reasons.
#1 You think your partner lies to you very often.
#2 You think your partner lacks integrity. They've cheated on someone in an earlier relationship / You've cheated on someone and *knowing how easy it is to cheat* you assume your partner may be cheating behind your back too.
#3 You don’t know much about your partner’s life and what they do when you aren't around.
#4 You don’t know your lover’s friends and their inside jokes which makes you feel insecure when they’re around.
#5 Your partner is secretive. *locks their phone or deletes their messages often*
#6 You feel threatened by your lover’s friendship with someone you don’t know well. 
#7 You've had bad experiences in love where an old lover has betrayed your trust.
#8 Your partner just doesn't share details about their life with you as much as you share yours with them.
#9 Your partner gets furious when you intrude into their private space without their permission.
#10 Your lover flirts with others.
If you’re in a happy relationship that’s built on trust, these 10 reasons for trust issues may seem trivial. But if you’re insecure, even the smallest of these reasons could send you sulking to the corner of the room.

Speak to your partner about it
Don’t be ashamed to let your partner see your weak side. Relationships are built on trust, and it’s important for your partner to know exactly how you feel. If something bothers you, don’t hide it even if it seems trivial or embarrassing.

How to help your partner overcome their trust issues
Does your partner have trust issues in the relationship? If you’re having a hard time convincing your lover that you’re faithful and have no intentions of cheating on them, here are six ways to help that special someone in your life overcome their trust issues. 

#1 Open up to your lover. Your partner may feel insecure in the relationship if they believe you don’t communicate well with them. If your lover asks you about something, don’t give abrupt answers or one-liners. Instead, communicate and have a conversation.
#2 Talk about your daily lives. Talk about your day, the little things you did and the people you interacted with. When your partner feels like they know what you've been up to when they weren't around, it’ll help them feel more secure in love.
#3 Introduce your friends. Introduce your lover to your friends, especially the ones your partner feels threatened about. Let your lover bond with them so they feel like a part of your circle of friends. As long as your partner feels involved in your group of friends, they’ll feel less threatened by the attractive and touchy feely ones.
#4 Show them you care. Shower your lover with compliments and reassuring words. Remind them just how much you love them and need them. Sometimes, your partner may feel insecure when they don’t hear those loving words often.
#5 Talk about your secrets. Revealing a few secrets can instantly bring two people close. It happens all the time, between friends and definitely between lovers too. When your lover feels like they know more secrets about you than anyone else, they’d feel more special and reassured.
#6 Don’t be aloof. Don’t get angry or annoyed when your lover unnecessarily craves for your attention. Your lover is frightened you’ll leave them. Think from their perspective, and if you truly care about keeping your lover happy, help them through this difficult period.

How to get over your own trust issues
Do you find yourself frustrated and annoyed because you believe your partner’s too distant or doesn't communicate enough with you? Talk to your lover and help them see the issues through your eyes. And once you've done that, use these five steps.
#1 Try to think from your partner’s perspective. What would you do if you were in their place? Be truthful to yourself and think rationally instead of judging them in haste.
#2 Ask your partner to help you. Be truthful about how you feel instead of retaliating with frustration or by giving your lover the silent treatment.
#3 Speak out. Every evening, calmly tell your partner about every instance that day when you felt threatened or insecure. It’ll help your lover understand what upsets you, and at the same time, they can explain themselves to you too.
#4 Don’t repeat your lessons. If it bothers you that your lover is holding a friend’s hand while talking, talk to your partner about it. Tell them how you felt and ask them how they’d feel if you did the same thing.
If your partner helps you see their perspective and you get satisfied with their answer, that should be the end of the issue. The next time the same issue crops up, you should be able to deal with the issue yourself without asking your partner for an explanation all over again.
#5 Learn to reason with yourself. If you've followed these steps, and you’re still having a hard time getting over your trust issues, you really have some thinking to do. Is your partner trying hard enough to help you get over your insecurities? Or are you just not able to deal with your partner’s active social life even after they constantly reassure you? Or finally, are you in a relationship where you just can’t deal with the insecurities anymore? 

Be patient and work together
Irrespective of who’s having trust issues, you or your partner, you need to know that it can’t be flattened out overnight. It takes time, sometimes a week or two, and sometimes even a few months.
Building trust back into a relationship takes a lot longer than the time it took to lose the trust.
But if your partner is just not able to overcome their trust issues no matter how giving you are or how willing you are to bend over backwards or spill out your entire life to them, perhaps it’s time to seek help from a friend or a professional, or walk away for good.
Almost always, a partner with serious trust issues could start off meek and sad, but turn into a demanding lover who orders you around all the time. Most controlling lovers start off by showing signs of insecurity, and no matter how much you give them, they’d always want more from you.

Use these steps to help your partner get better, but if you feel like this isn't worth the effort, perhaps, your own happiness may be more important to you than the success of the relationship. There’s nothing wrong with that though, it only helps you realize what’s more important to you.

Trust issues and the jigsaw puzzle of love
Not all relationships are built the same way. Some perfectly happy lovers are addicted to each other, while other perfectly happy lovers like keeping some space in between. Some lovers are monogamous, while others are swingers or live in open relationships.
All of us are unique and have our own wants from a relationship. But that doesn't mean one relationship is better than the other. There is no perfect recipe for love. It’s as unique as the individuals in it.

So if you've used all these steps on how to get over trust issues in a relationship and still have a hard time getting over your insecurities, perhaps, the relationship you’re in isn't the right one for you. You and your lover may be perfect individuals, but as a couple, both of you may not be the best fit in the jigsaw puzzle.
Sometimes, even two perfect individuals can’t create a perfect relationship no matter how hard they try.

How to Attract Men in a Way They Can’t Resist!


There’s an evolutionary secret that can help you understand how to attract men and make them desire you instantly. And the real secret’s right here.

The science of attraction between the sexes, as complicated as it may seem, is pretty simple to explain in a few lines. 

Girls are more easily attracted to a guy who appears healthy and stress-free, has a good level of testosterone which makes him appear more manly and chiseled, and has a protective streak in him which makes him a good mate material and a father.

Guys, on the other hand, are more easily attracted to girls based on their appearance or behavior.

But that’s not it though.
To truly understand how to attract men and how a man’s mind works, we need to get deeper into the concept of attraction from the male point of view.

How to attract men in a way they can’t resist

A guy may like a girl for different reasons, but when it comes to physical or sexual attraction at first sight, her physical appearance and her behavior matters more than anything else.

So if you want to attract a man and make him desire you, you just need to get his attention the right way. And the rest, as they say, is history! 

You need to keep this in mind though, love and attraction are two completely different things. A guy may find you extremely attractive, yet he may not end up falling in love with you for his own reasons. 

But for love to blossom in the first place, you need to build the sexual attraction before you make him fall in love with you. It’s the safest way to make sure the guy falls for you and stays in love with you.

Attraction and how a man views a woman’s body

As we know that physical attraction plays a very big part in attracting a guy, you need to understand what a guy’s mind tells him when he sees you and sizes you up.
When a guy sees a girl’s physical assets, he subconsciously sees more than just your breasts or your butt. The right curves in all the right places tells a guy that a girl is fertile and has come of age, and that she’s healthy because her body can afford to waste energy on developing her curves which play the biggest role in sexual attraction.
A guy may think a girl is attractive. But in his subconscious mind, he’s gauging you as the woman who may carry his offspring one day.

Testosterone and a man’s sexual preference

Every man produces testosterone, a sexual hormone, in his testes. And women produce a small amount of testosterone in their ovaries. The more testosterone a man produces, the more manly he looks and the more sexually virile he is. His facial features appear manlier, his jaws are wider and more chiseled and his voice is deeper.
And several studies have shown that the more manly a man is, the more attracted he’d be to women who exhibit feminine traits *girlie, cute traits*.
On the other hand, a small percentage of men who produce a lesser-than-normal amount of testosterone may find themselves getting more attracted to women who are less feminine and more controlling and dominant in the relationship.
So if you’re trying to catch the attention of a typical guy *a large percentage of men have normal or high production of testosterone even though the overall average testosterone levels have dropped significantly in American men over the last 50 years*, chances are, he’d love you if your behavior is more feminine, cute and girly! 

The perfect woman for a real man – She’s cute and sexy
A regular man who isn't suffering from low testosterone would always find a feminine woman more attractive than a woman who thinks femininity is overrated and displays traits that are traditionally considered manly.
While a girl’s physical appearance is the biggest sign of femininity, at times, it helps if you can display more femininity in your behavior. No, I’m not saying pink frills and scented paper. But there are always other ways to appear cuter and get a guy to take a second and third look at you.

Why do guys like cute girls?
Men have always been the more aggressive sex in the human species. They’re usually the ones who spread their legs wider, stand tall and swell their chest up while trying to appear threatening all the time, more so when they’re in an argument or when they meet someone they see as a threat in any manner.
But cute changes everything. When a girl behaves in a cute and feminine manner, it brings out the protective instincts of a man. Instead of feeling threatened by a feminine girl, he feels protective about her. That makes him feel more masculine, and that’s something every guy loves to feel!
When a girl reveals her vulnerable side to a guy, it’s very hard for any guy to ignore her or avoid noticing her vulnerability. And the instant his mind connects with her vulnerability, it eliminates any thoughts of a threat and his protective side creates a bond of protection and attachment with her.

He feels the need to be around her, and his subconscious mind tries very hard to make her feel protected, comfortable and loved around him. He loses his aggressive stance, the tone of his voice softens down, and his shoulders droop down towards her instead of spreading wide. And before he even gives attraction a second thought, he’d realize that he likes the girl already! 

Traits of a cute and feminine girl that draw real man
Many girls are against the idea of being feminine or behaving in a cute manner. To a typical feminist, behaving in a demure or coy manner is a sign of weakness. And they can’t accept that a guy finds a cute *and dare, we say it… submissive* girl more attractive than a girl who likes to be a non-girlie girl.
If you’re feminine, you don’t really have to be cute. But if you can pull off a perfectly cute personality, it would only add to your allure and make you more desirable among men.
To understand cute behavior better, all you need is to interact with a couple of Japanese or Thai girls whose behavior isn’t influenced by us Americans. They’re not meek or silly, nor do they have to behave like stupid bimbos to win a guy’s affection. All they have to do is flaunt what sets them apart, and that’s their femininity and grace.

And no testosterone laden guy can resist the allure of a sweet Asian girl when he’s having a conversation with her. Everything about them makes them appear more beautiful and feminine, right from their cute heart signs with inverted hands, the way they nod their heads, the way they behave while having a conversation with you to the way they smile coyly and yet so warmly.
Femininity comes naturally to some girls *not just Asian girls*, but it’s an art that’s worth learning. If you want to know how to attract men, all you need to do is exude your feminine side while talking to them. And once you try that, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
And remember, a cute girl who displays her feminine side will always have an edge over all other girls when she’s trying to catch the attention of a real man!
How to bring out your feminine side naturally
Femininity comes naturally. But cuteness can be created by the way you behave. Here are the tips to behave cute in no time.
Additionally, if you’re on a date with a guy and want to come across as a girl who’s in touch with her femininity, here are a couple of tips for you.

#1 Dress in softer pastel colors like peach or mauve. The color will give your skin tone a healthy glow that makes you look warm and like able instantly.
#2 Smile more often. A smile can make you appear more pleasant and friendly.
#3 Run your fingers through your hair delicately. Always works for any guy!
#4 Tip your head slightly downwards when you’re blushing or smiling, and look at him from under your eyebrow.
These four tips may sound bizarre for a feminist or a cute-bashing girl, but trust me, it will do wonders for your date!

A tip to remember – Don’t be yourself if you can be better
Contrary to popular belief, don’t be yourself. Evolve.
When someone tells you that the best way to attract someone is by being yourself, well, they’re not entirely right. All of us change all the time. And not every change that we see in ourselves may be in the right direction.
Who are you? How would you define yourself? We are who we are because of our socioeconomic status, the people around us, and other influences we've had in our lifetime. A lucky few may have had the opportunity to be influenced by the perfect examples, while most of us have to change to become better individuals. Or worse, we never get to become better individuals  or achieve the full potential that’s within us because we’re convinced we’re all perfect already.

You don’t have to change yourself just to attract men, but change yourself to become a better you. Have you ever walked into a room full of attractive women, and found yourself thinking that a few of those girls were better than you in some way? When you meet a woman and find yourself in awe of her for any reason at all, it only means you admire and want some particular trait of hers that you lack yourself.
If you like a trait about a friend, be it her spontaneity, her courage, her carefree attitude, her posture, or the way she dresses up, your mind may subconsciously like that trait because you want to see that trait in yourself. A change of this kind is good, where you see something you like and want to see that in yourself.

A girl who is the epitome of perfection in every way *if she does exist* won’t be awed by anyone else. On the other hand, everywhere she goes, she’d be the girl that would receive compliments, stares and awed jaws!
So change often, become the dream girl you fantasize about in your head, and be the girl you really want to be. And life will turn out to be so much better for you, be it about men, work, friends or anything else.
It’s easy to push a thought away and assume it’s wrong to be feminine or assume it’s a bad thing to change. But trust me, change is good. And change is inevitable. So you’re going to change whether you like it or not. And you have a choice to become a better you, or a worse you.

The last word about the science of attraction between the sexes
We’re all animals, and you shouldn't forget that. We may be wearing pants or walking on two feet, but that doesn't change our primal instincts. We still chase each other and woo each other just like the animals in the wild.

The male and female sexes still play games to win each other’s affection. Human males still like to woo a female through their display of brute strength, dexterity or their sheer awesomeness. And a man laden with male hormones wants a woman who’s graceful and feminine, because subconsciously, it makes him feel more like a man.
You don’t have to pretend to be dumb or weak, nor do you have to behave like the weaker sex just to attract a man. All you need to do is revel in your femininity and display your cuteness, and give the man you like a chance to bask in his manliness and show off his protectiveness!