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Saturday 12 January 2013

How to Compliment

Complimenting a girl will make her feel good about herself. Even women who are very attractive do not have unlimited, high self-esteem so providing a compliment is a very certain way of getting a girl’s attention. Of course, there is a big difference between just offering any old compliment and offering a proper compliment. Learning how to compliment a girl is an art form.

Why do some guys never compliment girls?

Certain men never compliment girls because they believe it will somehow lead to rejection. They think that this makes them appear weak. As a result, they will instead play games and put on a show like they are not interested; this approach is definitely not recommended. The truth is that you can’t weaken your position with girls if you offer only genuine compliments. In fact, if you provide an appropriate compliment, it can only show a girl how masculine you are.

Don’t expect anything in return
If you have copious amounts of confidence, you do not need to wait to get something from a girl in return. Rather, you will not mind if the girl does not respond with offers of attention, sex or wanting to spend some time with you. Giving a compliment just for the sake of it also comes with a perk: You seem more powerful just for doing it!

Being sincere

Women have a way of telling when a man is being insincere with them. The best way to guard against this is to just offer up nothing but sincere compliments. You may wonder why even pick-up artists teach their students to cut down on complimenting women. The reason is that there is a hazard in complimenting too much because it will be taken as being inauthentic.

A person who really likes you

Feeling wanted is a monstrous turn-on when it comes to girls. Therefore, an authentic compliment that indicates how much you like a girl can work to get a girl to increase her feelings of attraction to you. Since all women really enjoy hearing how attractive they are, it would be quite an error to be one of the men who refuses to compliment women.

Acceptable compliments
When doling out compliments, be sure to offer ones that do not go overboard. This can be problematic if you are not used to complimenting women very much! Therefore, just play it safe and stick with basics such as “You look great” or something of that basic nature. It is also a good idea to offer compliments that are directly related to the girl, such as how she makes you feel and how good-looking she is.

How do compliments get appreciated?

To ensure your compliments are appreciated, never be too excessive with them. For instance, only provide a maximum of two each time you see the girl because even praise and compliments have to be earned by the girl. Each time you provide a girl with an authentic compliment, you will not go wrong. Even highly attractive women are not secure all of the time, so a compliment will go a long way with them.

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