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Your guide to finding the one If you hate having clammy hands, nervous chatter and going home to an empty bed, listen up: this is your ...

Saturday 9 February 2013


In today's time most of the boys and girls are thinking that why one should get married? And they do question most of the time,are marriages really made in heaven.So let me explain few things why these
question do come in their mind. Here are my thoughts, and you might want to buy it or not that's all up to you.

Soul Connection:
In some of the spiritual books you could read that we are bound by our karma's, and that is the main reason we are here on this earth. And Spiritual preachers do claim giving the example that, why did you not born in a family of some  billionaire. Because your karma's are associated with this life. On the other hand, many people or spiritual preacher do completely deny this thing, because they do not believe in re-incarnation. So this soul connection is a kind of theory of relativity. If you believe in re-incarnation then you can buy this,otherwise you would also deny. And if you go by the theory or belief of re-incarnation there are many of the examples, which could make you believe in all of this. You can take a example of a man who has 5 girlfriends, but he decided to get married to the only one why? Because it might be possible during their last incarnation they were also husband and wife.

Karmic connection : 
There is a very good example of karmic connection like, who do parents earn for?  And the answer is for their children. And you must aware of the fact parents are working day and night just for the good future and well being of their children, so we do spent most of the part of our earning on the education and on other things. And for us nothing is more important other than their happiness. But at the end of the day they do leave us when get's matured, or do get settled with their families.This example could teach us to a great extent that we humans are bound to each other with our karma's. Let me put light on this example,suppose those ,who are children in this lifetime were parents in the past life, and they made their parent's spent that much of amount on them, so they had get rid of that loan. And the same thing applies to relationships or marriages.

Till the we are not merged with almighty, and has become one we will have to be born again and again. And Jesus Christ has said "Those who are born of spirit will be born as spirit and those who are born of flesh will be born as flesh". And it clearly gives us the message until or unless we have paid-off our karma's in this human from of life we would not be able to attain salvation. We will have to be born again and again in the form of flesh means, one body made of flesh to another body made of flesh. And the lucky are humans who have awakened their soul and are in love with that almighty. Because their karma's will be taken care of him. And till the time, you are not merged with that almighty, you will have to be born again and again. And your destiny would be decided prior to birth. I would say your partner, parents,friends and everything is predetermined as per your karma's.


Monday 4 February 2013

How to know if you’re in love ( falling for someone )

They say that when you meet the one you just know. Yet they also told us that a certain jolly man who wears a red suit was real and they sure got that wrong. So, we’re almost certain that if they can be mistaken about that, then they can be wrong about instantly knowing if you’re in love with the one. Here we show you seven signs that you are head over heels in love, so that you can know for sure if it’s love or if it’s just lust.

Crazy in love
Well, Beyoncé sure got it right when she released Crazy In Love. It turns out that when we fall for someone our brain actually behaves similarly to how it would if we had a mental illness. This deranged state is thought to be caused by one of the most important chemicals in love; serotonin.
Although serotonin affects us all in different ways, a study undertaken in 1990 by an Italian researcher found that those people who had recently fallen for someone showed symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Order. Maybe Romeo and Juliet would have behaved differently if they’d have known that their feelings were just a chemical reaction?
You become a vampire
For those of us who are not crazy in love with a new guy or girl, when the alarm goes off we get up after enjoying at least six hours sleep and grab some breakfast. We will then go on to tuck into another two meals during the day before heading back to bed at night. Yet if you’re in a new relationship you may not be doing these everyday things. Instead you seem to be becoming more and more like a vampire. You have lost your appetite and you don’t seem to sleep much anymore. If you don’t sleep or eat then it’s a clear sign you've fallen for someone. We’re sure all of the twilight fans are excited about this news.

Nothing gets you down

So you lost out on a promotion at work and you just found out your two best friends are leaving to go travelling for a year on the other side of the world without you; how do you feel? If you’re surprisingly upbeat then it’s a sure sign you’re in love. Researchers have found that when we fall in love the prefrontal cortex in our brains, which is associated with negative emotions, becomes deactivated. At the same time other areas associated with pleasure and joy become active. This means that things that would normally get you down don’t seem to affect you too much.They seem perfect
Do you think that your new guy or girl is absolutely perfect? Do you think they’re absolutely perfect even though they eat with their mouth open, have an abnormal amount of body hair and have an unhealthy obsession with country music? If you still love them despite quirks that would typically drive you wild, then it’s a sign you've fallen in love. Studies suggest that the area of our brain that handles our social judgement deactivates when we fall in love. This effect of love is thought to last for up to two and half years, which is quite incredible. Amazingly it is thought that by disabling this area of our brain we are able to build stable relationships, which in turn aids our abilities to raise kids.
You feel like a teenager
We all remember feeling clammy handed when we talked to a boy or girl who we liked when we were teenagers. Yet we’re grownups now, so surely we’re too old to be feeling like that? Well, don’t be so sure. If those teenage nerves and feelings seem to be flooding back with vengeance whenever you see or speak to your new partner then it’s a sign you’re madly in love. When we fall for someone our nor epinephrine levels shoot up and this chemical is what makes our hearts race and our hands sweat. You forgot your birthday
Who could forget their own birthday? The answer: someone in love. If you can’t think of anyone or anything else other than your new guy or girl then we’re happy to tell you you’re in love. Be warned though, thinking of nothing else other than your new love has some hazards. For example, be careful not to doodle your new partner’s name on your notepad whilst in a very important meeting or accidentally call your boss your new partner’s name. Who knew love could land you in so much trouble?

You’re blind
Everyone knows the phrase love is blind, but there is in fact some truth in these words. Experts have found that people who have recently fallen in love tend to not feel attracted to other people. So, the hot colleague you've always flirted with when you've met one another in the stationary cupboard may suddenly hold no interest for you anymore. It is thought that our inability to see anyone else as attractive other than our new love interest stems from our increased levels of dopa mine which has been associated with our ability to focus.


A guide to dating terminology

Confused by dating lingo? Not sure how to define your relationship? Then check out our A-D of love and dating for the words you need to know.

A is for Attraction

What is it: Attraction is the force that draws us to another person. This can be instant, based on appearance and sexual desire, or a longer process developing from a deeper bond. Although nobody knows for sure what attracts us to certain people, scientists have developed various theories about how we pick mates. For instance, it is believed that symmetrical features, waist-to-hip ratio and smell can all make a difference to how attracted (and attractive) we are to others.

B is for Bonding

What is it: A bonding is a close, affectionate relationship and deep bond between two opposite sexes. Often as close as a romantic relationship, People involved in this relationship can start take on couple-like qualities, sharing affectionate nicknames, enjoying weekends away and even going on dates.
C is for Chemistry

What is it: Chemistry is one of the most integral components of dating, yet although it is spoken of often it is hard to define what exactly it is or why we feel it. When people talk of feeling “chemistry” with someone it generally involves feeling a connection with someone, enjoying their company and feeling attracted to them. While some people think chemistry needs to be instant in a relationship, others believe it can develop over time.

D is for Dating

What is it: Dating is when two people spend time together in a bid to get to know each other in a romantic context. While the definition of dating is often confusing, it is generally thought that at this stage of a relationship exclusivity is not essential. For some, a date is just a fun, one-off activity; however, dating is often a way of testing compatibility and exploring the possibility of a relationship.

Sunday 3 February 2013

What I Promise To Stop Saying In Front Of My Kids

Words Mean Something, So Stop Saying You Want To Kill Someone

As a writer, I should know better and as a parent, it is critical: Words are meaningful and when we use violent language to describe our feelings, we contribute to a culture that is numb to the effects of killing.

Since Dec. 14, when a madman entered an elementary school , I've become hyper-aware of the permeation of violence all around me and my kids. Last week, my kid was innocently playing an app on her iPod that involves fairies and magic potions while we drove from one place to another, and she asked me if she could "buy a gun to kill some people" in her game.

I replied maybe a little more vehemently than I intended to and opened up a discussion with her about guns and killing and violence that I probably could have handled with a little more parenting aplomb. I'm here to tell you that talking to your kids about guns and violence is a lot harder than telling them where babies come from.

In other words, if she wants to talk about sex, I'm ready. If she wants to know why she can't pretend to kill a bad fairy with an animated musket, I'm all thumbs.

However, we stumbled through a short conversation about why guns were invented, how responsible people use them and how some guns are meant for just one thing and that's to kill people. Afterward, I spent about an hour berating myself and then I spent another hour researching and thinking about how better to explain to her that I want to create an atmosphere in our home of love and kindness for all, and that means not engaging in violent play.

For me, I realized after some soul-searching, it also means being aware of what I do and say in order to set that example.

I can't keep saying that I want to kill people, or shoot myself or ask anyone else to kill me.

No, I don't really want to kill people. I don't want to kill myself, nor do I want anyone else to kill me. But I say those things all the time, without a thought. If I'm staring down the barrel of a long day, I've been known to quip, "Someone, please kill me."

If I'm in the car and I don't like someone's driving, I have been known to shout, "Ugh, I could kill someone today!"

And so on, and so forth.

My kids have watched shows that include maybe a little too much violence, cartoon or otherwise. I let it slide because hey, we watched Wile E. Coyote die a thousand deaths and we're OK, right?

No, we aren't OK. And no, Wile E. Coyote isn't to blame. But we do exist in a society that is absolutely saturated with violent games, language, movies, TV shows, books... the list goes on and on.

Yes, violence exists in the real world. Yes, violence has a place in literature and film. Yes, we have to cope with violence because it is in our nature to commit these acts against one another.

However, I will do my best to no longer contribute to the culture of death that circles around my kids. I don't want to kill anyone, ever. I know from personal experience what death looks like up close and personal, and death leaves grief and destruction in its wake for the living for the rest of their lives.

Just as language can lift us up and inspire us, language can debase us, make us less than, words can dehumanize us and we can dehumanize one another when we threaten violence in our everyday slang. As someone who spends her days on the Internet, I say with authority that people are careless with words like "war," "kill," "throat-punch," and so much more.

I'm not going to say I want to kill you anymore. I hope you don't want to kill me for saying that.

The health benefits of being in love

Why being in love is good for you

Boxes of chocolates, lavish meals out and those late night fights; there certainly is an unhealthy side to love, but finding that special someone can bring all kinds of health benefits too.
If you've been considering ditching your partner, or are just feeling a little harassed by love, check out some of these relationship perks which might just remind you that being in love can be good for your health...

Love lowers risk of alcohol abuse

You may be footing a bigger weekly wine bill for all of those cozy nights in, but research has shown that you are less likely to abuse or depend upon alcohol if you are in a relationship. In the study, only four per cent of people who had been in a relationship for between two and four years misused alcohol; whilst only three per cent of those who had been in a relationship for more than five years reported abusing alcohol. However, 12 per cent of the participants who were not in a relationship in their 30’s were described as misusing alcohol and 13.5 per cent of people who had not been in a relationship for more than two years treated alcohol in an unhealthy way.

Love keeps us young

We all know that being in love and making love are two very different scenarios and apparently so does Mother Nature. Being in love is often very trying and can age us; however, research suggests that making love keeps us young. A study conducted by researchers at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland found that those women who have sex four or more times a week look 10 years younger than their actual age. Consultant  says that loving couples not only look after their bodies more, but that they also benefit from the physical and emotional effects of sex. So, next time you reach for your anti-ageing cream, maybe opt for the baby oil instead? 

Love: good for women, bad for men?

When you think of a married man, do you think of the grumpy, beaten-down stereotype? If you do, then don’t worry, apparently there’s some truth behind this well-worn notion. The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing found that women report a higher quality of life when they are in a relationship, but their husbands or partners report having a significantly lower quality of life. However, although it is possible that relationships fulfill the needs of women more than men, compared to single people, those in a relationship are still happier overall. In a separate study 40 per cent of married couples said they were happy, compared to only 25 per cent of single people. 

Love improves our mental health

Love has many physical benefits, but it would seem that men and women who are in a relationship get lots of mental health benefits too. In New Zealand a team at the University of Otago examined 1,000 people. They found that people who had been in a relationship for longer than five years were less likely to be depressed and attempt suicide. Other studies have found similar findings, stating that married people report lower levels of depression and distress. Apparently married men are also half as likely to commit suicide as single men, and one third as likely as divorced men. Perhaps the phrase “you’re driving me crazy” should no longer be used in reference to your partner?

Love heals the heart

Perhaps it’s no coincidence that love is often depicted using a heart shape. A recent study by researchers at the University of Rochester in New York found that those in a happy relationship are three times more likely to survive heart surgery.  The researchers reported that a good marriage can be as beneficial to the heart as quitting smoking, staying at a healthy weight and reducing high blood pressure. Similar findings were found by those at the University of North Carolina and a study in Human Communication Research.  They both found that being in love and expressing your emotions had a positive impact on cholesterol.

Love gives us more birthdays

Sadly, being in love does not mean you get to have more than one birthday a year. However, it does mean that you get to see more of them. The mortality rates for single males aged between 30 and 59 are two and half times higher than their non-single counterparts! Don’t gloat too much though girls. Single women also face a 23 percent higher mortality rate than those who are married. Researchers suggest that this difference in longevity is due to the fact that most single people have poorer health benefits, a lower income and are socially isolated. Being supported and connected to others is an essential part of keeping healthy.

So What are waiting for go and hunt for your second half...............

How to find the perfect woman

Your guide to finding the one

If you hate having clammy hands, nervous chatter and going home to an empty bed, listen up: this is your guide to finding the perfect woman. We all know that finding love is somewhat tricky,  but remember it is like a game, and there are many tactics you can use that will help you score.

Scare her

Scaring your girl is not on the usual dating to-do list, but if you've still not found the one yet then maybe it’s time you used some alternative methods. Now, we’re not suggesting you do anything sinister, but research has shown that when people experience fear on a date they often misinterpret that feeling as love. Therefore, why not take your girl to a theme park and ride some of the adrenalin-inducing roller coasters? Or go to a zoo and pop into see the spiders, snakes and bats. Although this may not sound like the most romantic of dates, you can take flowers, a picnic and even some champagne. These dates are also great fun because conversation is easy to make and the environment is less formal than a traditional restaurant scenario, which will allow you both to relax.

Out of your league?

At some point, we've either been there or seen it – a beautifully stunning girl is after a guy, and you know they are out of their league. Although it’s tempting to pucker up and go for it, research suggests that reaching for the higher-end beauty queen will only lead to unrequited love. Researchers found that we are attracted to people who share a similar level of beauty to ourselves. If you luckily “catch” one of these stunners, research suggests that once they deal with their self esteem issues you will eventually be ditched. Harsh words from the psychologists. So although we all fantasies about the hot catwalk models, the glamour girls and the Miss Worlds, it would seem that these thoughts should stay just that; a fantasy.

Stare at her

The eyes are very powerful tools when it comes to dating. We've all seen it in the films, that Lady and the Tramp moment when two eyes lock and love is bound to ensue. However, it would seem that for once the films aren't too far removed from reality. A psychologist who studied the dynamics of love. He found that staring into one another’s eyes has an incredibly powerful effect on people’s romantic relationships. He conducted a study where he asked complete strangers to reveal intimate details about their lives to each other. He then asked the pair to stare into each other’s eyes for four minutes. The couples revealed after the study that they felt a strong bond with the other participant – so much so that two even got married.

What women want

It’s the age-old question; what do women want? Admittedly, we don’t have the answer, but we do know that your witty chat-up lines aren't on their list. According to recent studies we decide if we fancy someone within 90 seconds and 4 minutes after we meet them. How we decide whether we fancy each other is based on simple criteria: 55% is through body language, 38% is based on the tone and speed of our voice and only 7% is taken from what we talk about. So if you want to impress women, stand tall, don’t cross your arms or your legs. If you want a long-term girl, then it would seem that women prefer higher toned voices, but if you want a short-term fling then lower your voice to a husky, John Wayne pitch.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Valentine's Day Proposal Do's and Don'ts

Proposing on Valentine's Day can be tricky. On one hand, it is the most romantic day of the year so it can be a good day to pop the question. On the other hand, proposing on a holiday can turn super cheesy if it isn't done properly. Follow this Valentine's Day Proposal Guide from a Proposal Planner and your proposal will be a success.

Do think of a way you can surprise her even though a lot of women expect a proposal on Valentine's Day. Accomplish this by doing something to throw her off. For example, tell her you have a romantic dinner reservation at 7 but instead, right as you are about to leave a huge choir holding candles appears in your front yard and serenades her with your song.

Don't propose at an expected time. Again, throwing her off is important so the last thing you want to do is to propose over dinner or some other obvious time. Do not have a waiter bring your ring out on a tray or anything predictable. The element of surprise is a must, especially on Valentine's Day.

Do think about how she would want to look on the day she gets proposed to. Is she the kind of girl that would be disappointed if she were wearing jeans on the big day? If you know your girlfriend would be mortified to have a photographer take a picture of her with no makeup on, make sure she is dolled up for the big moment.

Don't over-plan. For some reason when men get stressed out, they can overdo things. As a Proposal Planner, I have seen men add too much detail because they just want to make sure it is very special. Keep in mind that you can go overboard. You don't need singers, dancers, limos, helicopters, flowers, picture frames, guitarists, mariachi bands, jugglers, and more. Just a couple "big" surprises are more than enough and even that is not necessary.
Do think about her personality type when deciding on the proposal idea. Ask yourself if she is the kind of girl who would enjoy a public or a private proposal before you start planning things. If your girlfriend hates to be the center of attention, a public proposal would likely mortify her.
Don't propose in a creepy way. You should never propose like this but especially not on the day of love. Examples of creepy proposals are faking your own death or scaring her so she can appreciate your heroism later. Proposals should be pleasant, period.
Do consider documenting the proposal. If your girlfriend is the type that loves to share photos on social media or likes to scrapbook, then she will really appreciate you hiring a photographer to capture the moment. If she is camera shy, you might want to skip it.
Don't hide the ring in a ridiculous place. This includes but is not limited to; in a champagne glass, in a cupcake, in a box of chocolates and last but not least, somewhere you can lose it or easily forget about it.
Do have help. Just as women hire Day of Coordinators for their wedding day, have someone that will help you take care of details so that you can enjoy your day stress-free. Consider hiring a proposal planner or just enlist the help of an organized friend.
Don't be afraid to be emotional. There is a social stigma that men are not supposed to cry but during a proposal, many men do. Don't worry about that. On your proposal day, you should be emotional and you should be telling your girlfriend all of the reasons that you can't live without her. Your emotion will make it even more endearing.
Do laugh if something goes wrong. If something unexpected happens like a dog comes up and takes a bite out of your romantic picnic, don't sweat it. It will all be part of the proposal story you tell later and it adds character to the event.
Don't have expectations for how she will react. I have seen so many reactions from women who get proposed to. Some laugh, some cry, some scream, we even have had girls curse! You never know what someone's reaction will be when they are in shock so don't feel let down if you don't get a reaction you thought you would. Just go with the flow and let her emotion come naturally.

I am sure you will make it possible
Happy Valentine day and remember do not let this moment go by........
Best Wishes//Rajeev